NFT Collection

NFT Collection

Offering an exclusive experience to our most prestigious clients , le Vesuvio has imagined and created an NFT collection based on our iconic symbol : The Sun.
On our quest to evolution, we are one of the first restaurants to launch its own collection!

Offering an exclusive experience to our most prestigious clients , le Vesuvio has imagined and created an NFT collection based on our iconic symbol : The Sun.
On our quest to evolution, we are one of the first restaurants to launch its own collection!








« A time-honored institution that continues to deliver excellence.»

More than a restaurant, this is a must-visit destination is situated on the famous Croisette in Cannes and is made up of two establishments: Le Vesuvio and Le Café by Vesuvio.

Since 1969, Le Vesuvio has brought together people from all over the world to enjoy delicious pizzas cooked over an open flame in a traditional and welcoming atmosphere.

En 2011 une extension du Vesuvio né : Le Café By Vesuvio...

« A time-honored institution that continues to deliver excellence.»

More than a restaurant, this is a must-visit destination is situated on the famous Croisette in Cannes and is made up of two establishments: Le Vesuvio and Le Café by Vesuvio.

Since 1969, Le Vesuvio has brought together people from all over the world to enjoy delicious pizzas cooked over an open flame in a traditional and welcoming atmosphere.

En 2011 une extension du Vesuvio né : Le Café By Vesuvio...


Blockchain is a decentralized technology for storing and transmitting information securely. It is a digital ledger of transactions that is distributed across a network of computers, rather than being stored in a centralized location. Each block in the blockchain contains encrypted data that is verified and recorded by multiple nodes in the network, providing transparency and immutability of the recorded information.

An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a unique form of token that is issued on a blockchain, typically the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, each NFT represents a unique and indivisible digital asset, such as a drawing, video, music piece, a sun;) NFTs can be bought, sold, and traded on dedicated platforms. They are used to represent ownership or authenticity of a unique digital object that cannot be exchanged for something else due to its singularity. NFTs allow creators to monetize their digital work and collectors to own unique pieces of rare digital art or content.

There are 42 Suns and each one of them is unique!

The Suns will be put up for auction very soon...

@ 2023 Le Vesuvio NFT - Crédits illustration:  Livia Succurro  - Crédits photos:  Mandy Garcia  -  Anthony Lanneretonne